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Quito Evening Moonshine

Quito International Airport (Arrivals) – Hey, I think I know those people!

Two photo challenges overlapped this week;  Jake prompted us for a post about cities, and Frizztext’s march through the alphabet brought us to the letter Q.  My friends, Hank and Marie Groff, arrived in Quito for their first visit to Ecuador, so  enjoy the pictorial of their first two days in the country!

Quito Morning Sunshine

Good morning, sunshine!

Yellow Boots – Mariscal District

Cafe Cultura- Quito

Guess Who?!

Mercedes, comfortable in her own skin!

Casa del Alabado – Quito

Jama Coaque 500 BC – 1500 AD

Artifact/ Casa del Alabado (4,000 – 1,500 BC)



Quito – Casa del Alabado –

See you again soon for one more post for the letter ‘Q,’ from the quinoa fields near Otavalo!