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paperwork paperwork, tramites, tramites!

paperwork paperwork, tramites, tramites!

Tramite? (Tra-me-tee)

I had never heard the word tramite until I began the process for a ‘company’ visa here in Ecuador. Tramite means steps with paperwork and often refers to legal paperwork. My particular visa has taken years of tramites, tramites, and more tramites! Gallivanta called my attention to a great video which captures the frustrations of dealing with the formal process of tramites:

My most recent hurdle was to get four sets of black and white copies of a 30-page color catalog of my work that had been presented to the Superintendent of Companies over six months ago!  Each page had to be notarized!

Next word:  Triste!  Triste means sad.  This sad face illustrates an internet frustration!

Triste- Sad

Triste- Sad

Someone once said that he tried to stay out of other people’s shadows, their dark sides, and he hoped that they would stay out of his.  I have never been comfortable photographing people at their worst or poking fun at others weaknesses or misfortunes:  an unkempt house, a fight between two people,  a terrible accident, a person asleep with mouth agape, a drunk passed out in a chair or on the sidewalk, though once in Nicaragua I photographed the happiest (drunk) homeless person I have ever encountered!   For that reason, my files are quite lacking in images of triste/sad.

sad nina

sad nina

The screenshots reflect my ongoing struggle for faster internet connections – when you don’t hear from me, this is probably why:

internet woes 03


internet woes 04


I can usually go outside and find a way to work off those frustrations!

Trabajo means work!

riverhouse P1560510  brothers at work palm y bamoo
trabajador/a – worker (male/female)
trabajar – to work

Where to stay - Guayaquil Malecon Area

Where to stay – Guayaquil Malecon Area

Most everyone knows the Spanish word for three.  This acrylic painting is named Tres Manos and was inspired by a pre-Columbian relic from the Jama Coaque Indian culture of the area where I live.

Tres Manos - Acrylic

Tres Manos – Acrylic

"Tres Manos" - Acrylic influenced by the PreColumbian Jama Coaque Sellos

“Tres Manos” – Acrylic influenced by the PreColumbian Jama Coaque Sellos

tres – three
trece – thirteen
treinta – thirty

Pulling up the rear are more Spanish words that start with the letter T.
toalla – towel
trucha – trout
tu – you
tomate – tomato
tasa – cup
tenedor – fork
tía – aunt
tío –  uncle

and a final, T for Tortilla!

The Tortilla Lady - San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

The Tortilla Lady – San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua

San Juan Del Sur Nicaragua

See many more pictorials for T at Frizztext’s Flicker Comments.

Thanks for tagging along for the T Challenge in Spanish!