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Detail of pencil drawing

(Palo de Agua) – Detail of pencil drawing

“The very act of drawing an object, however badly, swiftly takes the drawer from a wooly sense of what the object looks like to a precise awareness of its component parts and particularities.”  (Alain de Bottom)

"...and not, when it came my time to die, find I had not lived..." Thoreau

“…and not, when it came my time to die, find I had not lived…” Thoreau (Photo by Barb Seibel)

Which is better: working from photos or drawing from life?  Life! There’s no comparison!  How I loved the time that I spent immersed in the dry rainforest while working on the above image.   If one grows still, nature will reveal herself in subtle ways.

Pencil 24" x 36"

Pencil 24″ x 36″ – This gnarled old tree provided unique subject matter for many hours of drawing pleasure!

As promised, I spent time drawing with my left hand!  I discovered that mastery over the pencil or paint brush takes practice – lots of practice, and I had difficulties controlling the darks and lights and preciseness of the shading.

I have always loved a good challenge, and I look forward to gaining more control over the pencil.  Here is my first attempt at drawing with my left hand!

After the first few seconds, I realized that I had little control over precise detail!

After the first few seconds, I realized that I had little control over precise detail!

Shading was difficult!

Shading was difficult!

“All things are difficult before they are easy.”  (Thomas Fuller)

Penny at The Why About This gets a gold star by her name for publishing For The Love of Art.  See her drawing HERE and give her a thumbs up!

Thanks for your interest in this Timeout for Art series!  I look forward to seeing your drawings!