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Guess who flew in LAST NIGHT to help Zeebra?

Guess who flew in LAST NIGHT to help Zeebra?

Seeing Cotopaxi blowing off steam was quite sobering. (Taken from airport.)

Seeing Cotopaxi blowing off steam was quite sobering. (Photo taken from airport.

Standing at the arrivals gate, I held a sign that said, “Hummingbird.”  – Many of you will know what this means! (The following photo was taken when she helped design the magic carpet;  we had just finished painting the hummingbird for her home.)

Barbara and Lisa critique hummingbird

(I forget how much taller I am than she is until I see a photo like this!)

Yes, my dear friend Barbara flew in from Panama last night and will be helping with various tasks in Mindo.   I handed her a new pair of work gloves last night, and we’ll purchase the mandatory boots in Mindo!   It will be fun to see what creative projects we tackle while she is here; for those interested, here’s a link to my friends’ property: A Little Bird Told Me

Speaking of gates, the all-seeing eye that watches over Casa Loca did not do the best job while I was in Mindo. My friends on the farm were trying to make the ‘bridge’ easier to use, but the workers forgot to clean up when finished!

An obstacle course blocks an easy entrance to the house!

An obstacle course blocks an easy entrance to the house!

In June, while recovering from chikungunya, I attempted to work on a study of an artifact in the Jama Museum.   (See: Extended Sick Leave.)  Last week, to reclaim my sense of calm after seeing the entrance to the house, I took timeouts for art and spent several hours each day at the Jama museum… This time the work went well!


Day One – Jama Coaque Figure – pencil


Day Two – Jama Coaque Figure – Pencil Study-

I also visited El Matal, and I join many others with concerns at the lack of progress with solutions to protect what little beach is left.

The waves continue to batter the coastline. (From June 2015)

The waves continue to batter the coastline. (From June 2015)

In contrast, only a few kilometers away, there are calming scenes on the shrimp farms.


Near El Matal – Which is prettier – the flowers or the egrets?

Back to Mindo – There are so many stunning views at my friends’ property, and it’s a joy to be able to help them. (Hi Jim and Julie – all’s great here… – Julie, get well PRONTO!)

The sun peering over a ridge on the property.. ah, what a way to say, 'Good Morning!'

The sun peering over a ridge on the property.. ah, what a way to say, ‘Good Morning!’

Between tasks, I hope to take petite timeouts for art… like this study of a dried flower. (Below)  Hopefully Barbara will participate in the same timeouts for art.   She might, however, want to take timeouts for Barbara!


Acrylic study of dried Angels Trumpet blossom.


This beauty awaits its turn for a study!  It deserves several days of attention.


Back to hummingbirds – Barb will be surrounded by a many petite hummingbird!  I look forward to introducing her to her new cousins!

Barb is patiently awaiting for me to finish this post, and we’ll be shopping in Quito before heading for the cloud forest.   The upper row of her laptop keyboard stopped working, so we’ll make a timeout to buy an external keyboard!

I've done this before as well, but that keyboard is a long way from Quito!

I’ve done this before as well, but that keyboard is a long way from Quito!

See you next week – we’ll surely have many stories to share!

(I am SO lucky to have more of the normal share of good friends. Thank you all, but thanks, dear Barb/Hummingbird, for being who you are!)