‘Step into my World – Entra a mi Mundo’

Parque las Vegas – We will meet near the Saman tree by the bridge: “Walk with me, starting between 10:00 and 10:30 a.m.”

Parque las Vegas – Portoviejo, Ecuador – May 14/2022 – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon –

Continuing the theme from the show at Museo Portoviejo, ‘Step into my World’ invites interested birders to meet at Parque las Vegas at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday May 14th to observe the birds on Migratory and Global Big Day.   (To see the official list of 101 birds at Parque las Vegas, go here: Hotspot Parque las Vegas )

Several friends expressed an interest in participating, and though my main focus will be the serious study at nearby Refugio la Tomatera, I also planned to visit Parque las Vegas and a few other sites.    So, why not invite others to ‘Step into My World’ and walk with me?!

This urban park, the phoenix that emerged from literal rubble of the earthquake, offers a balm not only to the humans, but also for the feathered visitors as well.

A fellow birder (Jeff Caplan from California) sharing his love for birds with curious children!

The grasses along the rio sometimes get big enough to set seeds, and then lots of birds flock to the edge to eat the seeds. Unfortunately, the grounds crew and sometimes the public want it to be less wild.

Yay! They are allowing the trees to have their natural growth – and reach for the skies.   The grasses along the bank are cut back, and maybe in time some areas will remain natural, while others are managed.

Yay! Yum yum for the birds –  and the photographer gets an easy photo!

“Yum, Yum, Grass seeds, our favorite, and this driftwood makes a great dining perch!”

“Grass seeds are delicious!”

The taller grasses also allow the photographer to get closer without scaring the bird. What’s down there?

Ah! A Spotted Sandpiper!

Do you see the rare Eastern Kingbird?

Another easy photo of a rare bird – thanks to refuge/vegetation and food at ground level!

The landscaping crews now work with more respect, allowing more areas of protection for the birds along the river and by the little lagoon.   The rare Scarlet Tanager, the Green Heron and the Eastern Kingbirds must use some type of travel handbook that suggests they visit Parque las Vegas on their winter vacations! Higher up will be Pacific Parrotlets, perhaps the endangered Gray-cheeked Parakeet, euphonias, kingbirds and flycatchers.   It’s my hope that the administrators continue designing more bird-friendly spaces that connect the humans to nature.

What might we see on Saturday?   Purple Gallinules, Common Gallinules, nesting Masked Water Tyrants and nesting Striated Herons, loud-mouthed Yellow-rumped Caciques and perhaps even the tiny Yellow Warbler  that flits through the cattails.

Look up – what’s that?

A Yellow-crowned Night Heron!

Look Down! A Purple Gallinule.

Look there! (from the bridge) A Striated Heron – “Thanks PortoParques for more refuge!”

Walk to the back side of the pond, and an careful study will allow a glimpse of another nest:

Two Striated Herons are in the tiny islita in the pond. With luck the eggs will have hatched by Saturday…

April 16, 2022 – eggs!

A lovely ‘Espina Tierra’ tree along the pond has low branches – Yay!

The White-browed Gnatcathers were in the lower limbs of the Espina Tierra last week.

The Streak-headed Woodcreeper makes its rounds here…

The Yellow Warbler often peruses the food options here…

The Southern Beardless Tyrannulet stopped in recently…


As did the Blue-gray Tanager

Tropical Kingbird waiting for its next appetizer….

Tropical and Eastern Kingbirds earlier this year..

One Yellow Warbler claims one side of the pond as its own domain! Look for it in the cattails.

An easy walk along Rio Portoviejo might provide views of seedeaters, anis, Golden Grosbeak, and many of the same birds that are at the laguna. Looping back to the laguna, we will look for the resident Burrowing Owls, which are usually quite predictable.

Can you spot the Burrowing Owl in this image?

( Find out where the Burrowing Owl lurks in the shadows – or presides over the park from a roof-top perch!)

To find an event in your area, check the world map:   WORLD MIGRATORY BIRD DAY

In February, eBird moderator Daniel Arias hosted Cullen Hanks from eBird’s home base in Ithica. Cullen is not only a walking ambassador for eBird, but for the human race as well.

eBird’s Cullen Hanks visited the park, and we were discussing the Burrowing Owl’s reasons for choosing its (predictable) perch.

Pacific Parrotlets

Nothing listed in your area?  Well, giddye-up – it’s not too late to organize an impromptu event! What’s most important is to go out and celebrate the birds of your area!  You might get lucky and stumble upon a rare bird!

Happy Birding!
