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The birds took flight as the trees swayed in surrealistic motion!

The birds took flight as the trees swayed in surrealistic motion!

There’s a whole lot of shaking going on, and at 9:16 this morning Ecuador received one that shook away our electricity!    Lasting over a minute, this was the strongest earthquake I’ve ever witnessed, and for the first time ever, I considered gathering a few critical belongings and prepared to bolt to higher ground.   I was certain that the fault near Bahia de Caraquez had belched a big one!

Power returned just as I was preparing to leave the house, and a quick check pin pointed the quake in Columbia.    http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/

The river rippled with cellulite-like splotches!

The river rippled with cellulite-like splotches!

As I retrieved my purse, camera, passport info, I realized that nothing else was of true value!  In the midst of wondering if I was about to encounter a tsunami, there was little baggage, emotional or monetary, to add to my flight or fight response!   The little Burrito laptop was certainly going to tag along;  otherwise it would be difficult to send out a signal that said, “I’m fine!”

And I am fine.  Since I have my purse, camera and mud boots on standby, I will trek to town and confirm that everyone else experienced this minute-long ground shaking, water rippling earthquake.  I hope that the people of Columbia fared as well.

Earlier this morning I had been watching the shrimpfest!   My friends harvested the pong last night!

Earlier this morning I had been watching the shrimpfest! My friends harvested the pond last night!

Surely Jerry Lee’s song makes an appropriate ending for this post!