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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA “In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” Rachael Carson El Matal Ecuador – June 6 – 11, 2015 The coastline along Playa El Matal continues to change daily.  This post will show images taken on June 9th and 11th, 2015.   Before seeing this week’s changes, let’s turn back time and take a peek at this beach as it was in June 2012. 0 P1530456 GOT PAINT

One of the prettiest posts painted in 2012 anchored the end of the road...

One of the prettiest posts painted in 2012 anchored the end of the road. near the Coco Beach entrance…




Maestro painting the light post. June 2012

From 2012.. Coco Beach entrance ahead... (From post-painting competition)

From 2012.. Coco Beach entrance ahead… (From post-painting competition)

Let’s move forward to images from this week;  the image below shows the Coco Beach entrance at the end of the road:

Entrance to Coco Beach- June 8, 2015

Entrance to Coco Beach- June 8, 2015

Each week, the municipality hauls in more rocks...

Each week, the municipality hauls in more rocks as the aggressive waves strip away the previous week’s work…

Rains, quite abnormal for this time of the year, fell almost all day on Thursday and continued into the night.  We normally receive this kind of weather in February.

There is little space left for the fishermen's boats.

There is little space left for the fishermen’s boats.

The last section of  the road will soon vanish...

Where are the boat sheds, the trees, the road?  Gone, but will the ocean change moods and rebuild the beaches?


Ka-BOOM!  (Tuesday)


The  sand bags proved their worth this past week, though the ocean claimed many.


When sections of the wall fall, the ocean advances.


Many people ask, “Why is the ocean advancing, advancing, advancing, without adding new injections of sand/beaches like it did in the past?’

The ocean did not reach a critical height this past weekend, yet the waves roared to life and thundered to shore.  Some people say that the old rhythms are absent; the ocean no longer builds new beach areas.  The sea continues to advance.  Do you ever think about man’s consumption of sand?  Take time to listen to “Let’s talk about sand.”

Some of the homeowners are replacing the damaged/lost bags with new ones, though there is little beach left to support those bags.  With the new moon visiting soon, the property owners have a few days left to prepare for the next aguaje.


Those bags represent a better-night’s sleep vs sleeping with one eye open during high tides.

Uh-oh  One wave is moving forward and another is  in reverse...

Uh-Oh.. Wave dynamics : one wave is moving forward and another is in reverse…


The power of waves…


The incoming will devour the outgoing one…and it makes a big splash: Ka-BOOM

A few unexpected angels have appeared, but those stories deserve their own posts. I’ll close with more images from Tuesday and Thursday of this week.

Don't turn your back on the ocean!

Don’t turn your back on the ocean!





Every so often the waves crept closer to the homes.

Every so often the water finds a path to the homes.

An hour after high tide, the waves continued their assault...

An hour after high tide, the waves continued their assault…

Hang in there, those of you at the front line.  Keep searching for options, and stand your ground: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB8ZQI14jMQ Z