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Snowy Egret

Snowy Egret

(Ecuador)  Life on the river often times distracts me from my daily goals.  It’s hard to leave scenes like this and focus on my work!  – But wait!  Part of my work is observing nature!  Sigh;  it’s a hard job, but someone has to be part of nature’s buddy system!


I enjoy living a tiny slice back from the ocean where the tranquil river mirrors the landscape – or would that be a waterscape?! At high tide, many birds perch in the mangroves and others guard the boulders near the house.   At low tide, the pelicans flop flop their wings in the water while the ibis, egrets and herons forage in the shallows.

My neighbors the birds

My neighbors the birds

My neighbors the birds!

My neighbors the birds!

Several hours down the coast is the petite community of San Clemente.  My friends John and Mary emailed two nights ago with breaking news, “They’re hatching!!!!”  The Buddy System is alive and well in that community where the locals gave a rare nest of baby turtles a magical bon voyage party!

See their post HERE: Tortuga Birth Announcement

and Dave’s report HERE:Turtles in Town

There were more global nature sightings this week! See Cindy’s great photo story HERE: Baby Hummer Crashes into Window.


How’s this for a wake-up setting?! Serene Canoe Morning – Rio Jama /Ecuador August 01, 2013

The true purpose of this post is to call attention to a friend’s family in southern Mississippi and activate the Buddy System.  Please read Joylene’s post and spread the word;  I’m hoping there are some groups out there that might help through fundraisers.

Read Joylene’s story about her daughter-in-law HERE: Help Heaven Get Her Life Back and help if possible!

P1790564 CANOE MORNING fisherman rio jama

We should always savor quiet moments.

Good luck, Joylene.  If I were there we’d auction a painting or get those Steel Magnolias to gather ’round and find new options.   Z