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The Daily Prompt states:  Photographers, artists, poets: show us ORDERLY.


Two days of hard work equals amazing progress!

Two days of hard work equals amazing progress!

Searching for good squeeze bottles for the paint, we found botttles that came with free drinks!

Searching for good squeeze bottles for the paint, we found a supply that came with free drinks!

art zeebra rocks 02

When I hit a slump in inspiration, I paint rocks and am magically back on track!

Sneak peek!  The next project is coming soon!

Sneak peek! The next project is coming soon! Yes, that’s paint!

Would anyone care to guess what this (above) will be?  It’s painted on the next section of the bodega floor and will help with navigational skills for the magic carpet!

Have a great weekend everyone!  I’m heading out for a walk on the farm!