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Nandayure/Guanacaste/ COSTA RICA

Nandayure/Guanacaste/ COSTA RICA

“Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him. We, people’s hearts, seldom say much about those treasures, because people no longer want to go in search of them. We speak of them only to children.   Later, we simply let life proceed, in its own direction, toward its own fate.” Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist

Years ago while I was visiting with expat friends and their on-vacation friends in Costa Rica, someone asked, “Did you ever dream when you were growing up that you’d live somewhere like this?”

Turning back time: Costa Rica - After the Competition

Turning back time: Costa Rica – After the Competition

My mind peddled backwards, and within seconds I recalled a wanderlust dream from grammar school. I smiled wistfully and answered, “When I was in 5th grade, I wanted to live in Argentina and raise quarter horses.”

Sitting at the table, I could still visualize the page of our geography book that illustrated the pastoral beauty of Argentina’s Pampas. I admired the contrast between their grass-covered flatlands and the rolling landscape that led to a backdrop of snow-covered mountains. I envied the gauchos that worked in such breathtaking beauty.  An equestrian at a young age, I stared dreamy-eyed at those images and pictured myself living in that setting.  That dream stayed with me for years, and like most people, I grew “responsible” and the dream slowly faded until it was totally forgotten.  Almost forty years later, a random question restored that memory.

Oops.. This is Nicaragua - we haven't made it to Argentina yet!

Oops.. This is Nicaragua – we haven’t made it to Argentina yet!

While in Costa Rica, I often crossed the border into Nicaragua and enjoyed its unique beauty. Thanks to 99-dollar airfares on Taca Airlines, I also visited other countries in Central America before my first exploratory visit to South America. Ecuador definitely caught my attention!

Quinoa fields near Cayambe Ecuador (Photo by Marie Groff)

Quinoa fields near Cayambe Ecuador (Photo by Marie Groff)

Early Morning - Hacienda Guachala - E

Early Morning – Hacienda Guachala – E




(Chimbo through binoculars)  Will this classic icon lose its classic life-giving crown of snow?

(Chimbo through binoculars) Will this classic icon lose its classic life-giving crown of snow?

Chimborazo Ecuador...

Chimborazo Ecuador…

Lovely Cuenca


horses sta teresa P1490839 grayscale

Santa Teresa Ecuador

horse STA TERESA SADDLES P1490835 grayscale

My road has nudged me closer to Argentina; although Argentina no longer serves as a beacon to my wanderlust eyes, I owe it to my dream to one day swing aboard one of those ponies and explore that unique slice of our world.  I suspect that a posse of volunteers might want to ride along.  Shall we start planning this trip?

P1590045 cajas park

Thanks, Robyn at Daily Post, for addressing, “What you thought you were going to be when you grew up.” Z