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00 0 P1870666 nasturtium thoreau quote

(Detail of an oversized bookmark for a friend who left for an extended visit to the UK.)

“Nature will bear the closest inspection.  She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain.”  – Henry David Thoreau

One of September’s Timeout for Art posts (Find the Pot of Gold) tapped into the above quote, and hopefully many of you were able to “slow down and inspect what’s lurking nearby.”

This past week presented many opportunities to take an insect’s view of nature, and I never regret time spent at eye level and absorbing those details.

Working from life:  Ginger detail

Working from life: Ginger detail (watercolor)

Working from life:

Working from life: thunbergia mysorensis watercolor

Years ago in Costa Rica , I first saw this amazing species of silkmoth (below) while visiting a friend in the higher elevations of the Nicoya Peninsula.  The moth looked as if it had been specifically designed to match Cis’s shirt!

00 01 butterfly cis matches BUTTERFLY

This past month in Mindo Ecuador, I again appreciated this unique beauty when it basked beneath the soft light near the kitchen door.

00 02 P1840596 night moth mindo on door

It lingered the following morning - perhaps to be sure that I captured its beauty with the camera!

It lingered the following morning – perhaps to be sure that I captured its beauty with the camera!

About a week later, perhaps the same one found its way upstairs and visited while I painted.

The nasturtium watercolor is quite popular!  Do you think that it confused the moth?

The nasturtium watercolor is quite popular! Do you think that it tricked the moth?

It vanished in the daytime and returned the following night. (I gave it a few drops of water!)  Obviously on its last days or hours, it moved very little but stayed near until it died.

The next day, I enjoyed capturing its likeness in watercolor.

00 08 P1870864 moth watercolor

(Sorry, these photos were taken late at night in not the best light!)

00 06 P1870860 moth 00 07 P1870862 moth watercolor 00 09 P1870865 moth watercolor 00 10 P1870901 moth WATEROLOR FINAL


Here’s a thumbnail recap of my insect’s view of nature from the past few weeks.  Believe it or not, adding shadows (right column) takes a lot of time!


The final image (thunbergia & butterfly) is a sneak peek of next week’s timeout for art!

Take time to inspect those fine details of nature!  The longer you study the details, the more details you’ll discover!